Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent Teacher Conference Information

for Nov. 4th and 5th.

PK-12 Half Day of School

On Wednesday, Nov. 4th the Jr./Sr. High students will stay at home and have a virtual Wednesday with their morning classes ending at 11:45 am.  Elementary students will have a face to face half day dismissing at 11:45 am.  There will be no face-to-face or virtual classes in the afternoon. 

PK-12 Parent Teacher Conferences

PK-12 Fall Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on Wednesday Nov.  4th 1-3 pm and 5:30 – 7:30 pm and Thursday Nov. 5th 5:30-7:30 pm.  Click here to schedule a conference time.  Please expect a call from the teacher at the time that you signed up for.  If you have arranged a google meet with a teacher, there is a link on how to do this on our website.  If you have any questions please call your students building office.