Sand Creek Schools Awarded the 2023 School Resource Officer Grant!

Sand Creek Community Schools was a recipient of the 2023 School Resource Officer Grant!  This competitive grant is through the Michigan State Police Grants and Community Services Division and only about half, $25 million of the $45 million in requested funds, were awarded. 

A panel consisting of representatives from education and law enforcement awarded the grants, giving priority to school districts, intermediate school districts, and public school academies without a school resource officer (SRO) currently in place.  The panel also considered student enrollment as a factor in the awards – prioritizing those with lower enrollment.

School Resource Officer (SRO) programs can play an important role in maintaining and increasing safety in schools and neighboring communities.  This 3-year grant award would help fund the placement of a local law officer in the school, during school hours, as a SRO.

The SRO grant and program will be on the agenda for discussion and approval at the February 27th board meeting, at 6 p.m. in the Sand Creek Jr/Sr High School library.

Please feel free to contact the superintendent’s office with any questions or concerns.