Daddy Daughter Dance papers were sent home with students on Friday. We look forward to this fun event happening on January 27th!
4 months ago, Brooke Smith
daddy daughter dance
ATTENTION: The home JV boys basketball game scheduled for tonight against North Adams-Jerome has been cancelled. The varsity boys game will start at 6:00.
4 months ago, Brooke Smith
Reminder to Seniors and Parents of Seniors: The Aggie Academic Counseling Center is hosting a FAFSA workshop on Wednesday, January 10th at 5:30pm in the high school library. If you are unable to make this event the LISD is offering a similar workshop on Saturday, January 27th at 9am at the Tech Center. All seniors are strongly encouraged to attend one of these events. Please see the link below to read the Counseling Center newsletter and obtain more information.
4 months ago, Brooke Smith
This Week in Aggie Athletics for 1/1 - 1/6
4 months ago, Brooke Smith
1/1 - 1/6
This Week in Aggie Athletics for 12/25 - 12/29
4 months ago, Brooke Smith
12-25 - 12-29
Congratulations to Erika Meckley and Leah Smotherman for their Society of Women Engineers Certificate of Merit!
4 months ago, Brooke Smith
Superintendent Sharon Smith has a holiday message for Sand Creek families!
4 months ago, Brooke Smith
Staff from both buildings were encouraged to participate in our first Staff Christmas Card competition. The Aggie Ambassador's in the K-5 building and Student Government in the 6-12 building judged the cards. Prizes were awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners. Wishing our Sand Creek families & community Happy Holidays & a restful break!
4 months ago, Brooke Smith
Sending a huge THANK YOU to everyone who participated in this year’s ‘Adopt a Family.’ Without your time and generosity, Sand Creek would not be able to continue with this seasonal program. We wish everyone a restful and re-charging break. Have a wonderful holiday! ~ Ms. Slusher
4 months ago, Brooke Smith
thank you
Our very own Dr. Virginia Stewart, elementary music teacher, has been nominated for the “2023 BroadwayWorld Michigan Award for Best Musical Director in the Mary Poppins Musical at the Croswell Opera House”. We are so proud of and excited for you, Dr. Stewart! Congratulations! Anyone can vote! Please take the time to click on the link below to vote for Dr. Stewart!
5 months ago, Brooke Smith
In an effort to include our entire Sand Creek community, we would like to invite you to complete an ornament to hang on our Christmas Tree. Please return completed ornaments to the SC Jr./Sr. High School Office.
5 months ago, Brooke Smith
Jessica Roddy, co-owner of Xsell Realty, came in to explain and show the importance of descriptive writing when putting a house on the market. The sixth grade class will be creating gingerbread houses and trying to "sell them". It was great to have an Aggie Alum come in and talk about her career and how it relates to what students are learning.
5 months ago, Brooke Smith
This month’s Positive Postcard recipients are: Dawson Brugger, Tyler Woerner, Landon Machen, Cedric Baker, Jill Emery, Dylan Elliott, Julianne Schoonover, Emily Schuldt, and Ariebella Wyss-Owens. Great job students!
5 months ago, Brooke Smith
December Postcards
Sand Creek Awarded "Your Future Matters" Grant. Read all about it in the Aggie Academic and Career Counseling Center Newsletter!
5 months ago, Brooke Smith
Attention families! Please see the Christmas Spirit Days for both buildings for next week.
5 months ago, Brooke Smith
This last Thursday, the 6th graders worked with their Aggie Allies to write special messages in Holiday Cards to send to various Assisted Living Center. Great job guys!
5 months ago, Brooke Smith
The Sand Creek Student Government volunteered at the Salvation Army last week sorting donations from the Toys for Tots campaign. They worked to organize and create a “toy shop” where families in need can shop for their children this holiday season. They did a great job representing what it means to have 1SC values!
5 months ago, Brooke Smith
Sand Creek Schools went into a Secure Mode this morning due to a medical issue. The LockDown Boot was accidentally pulled at that time. Everyone is safe and healthy and we are operating normally.
5 months ago, Brooke Smith
The 6th grade class is hosting a Winter Clothing Drive now through Wednesday, December 20th.
5 months ago, Brooke Smith
clothing drive
The School of Choice window for second semester is open NOW through Friday, December 22, 2023. Call our offices to set up a tour or to shadow a Sand Creek student for a day!
5 months ago, Brooke Smith
school of choice